UTI MF fully writes off DHFL publicity in schemes; expects lenders to take prison motion


UTI Mutual Fund extended Dewan Housing Finance Ltd’s (DHFL) markdown from 75 percent to 100 percent on debt securities that have publicity to the debt papers of DHFL. The move comes after a delay on the hobby and foremost payout on adulthood using DHFL. “In mild of this improvement, UTI MF anticipates improved stress and felony motion on DHFL from all lenders, along with the workout of early redemption clause and criminal alternatives via numerous creditors. This is anticipated to similarly delay the agency’s recovery efforts inside the disposal of its belongings in an orderly way,” the release said.

DHFL changed into making interest and primary bills to Rs 1,100 crore to the enterprise/buyers but didn’t pay off on June 04, the scheduled date. Given that such put-off warranted mutual funds to mark down the internet asset values (NAVs) of DHFL bonds by way of 75 percent, it brought about a 30-40 percent unmarried-day fall in NAV of schemes that invested in DHFL debt papers. As a result, CRISIL, ICRA, and CARE Ratings downgraded their rating on DHFL’s Commercial Paper (CP) / Non-Convertible Debentures (NCD) to ‘D,’ based totally on put off in debt servicing because of inadequate liquidity, modest capital role, and modest earnings.

The rating revision considered the delay in servicing duties with appreciation to some NCDs using DHFL due to extended liquidity pressure. The fund house also stated that there is no secondary market for such securities in the modern situation. Considering the excessive uncertainty regarding the recuperation timeline and value, UTI MF has improved the markdown to DHFL debt securities from 75 percent to 100 percent in schemes that have publicity to DHFL.


“If there is any restoration within the destiny, the availability might be written returned to the scheme(s) on a real receipt basis,” UTI MF introduced. As in line with statistics on AceMF, as of June 06, 254 schemes had publicity to DHFL’s debt units with a total investment of Rs 6,122 crore across 25 mutual fund houses. Among those 25 MFs, UTI Mutual Fund has the best publicity, worth Rs 1,730 crore in DHFL’s debt papers as of June 06.

Imposes Exit Load

To guard the pursuits of existing traders in its finances, UTI MF has added an exit load within the UTI Treasury Advantage Fund, UTI Ultra Short Term Fund, UTI Short Term Income Fund, UTI Dynamic Bond Fund, and UTI Bond Fund with immediate effect from June 07. These six schemes will levy three percent to load if investments are redeemed within three months, 2 percent if redeemed within three to six months, one percent if redeemed within six months to one year, and nil after that. Earlier, these schemes no longer levied any exit load on redemption. Not sure which mutual budget to shop for? Download the moneycontrol transact app to get customized investment pointers.

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