Fitness tips: 3 key Shaolin moves


Push the sky

Stand easily. Focus on relaxing every part of your frame, head to toe. Bring arms together in the front of the belly, loosely linking arms. Take three deep breaths through the nostril. Raise your hands as you inhale till your palms factor above you. Tilt your head to look up at the sky. Breathe for four counts. Bring your hands slowly down as you exhale. Hold for five to 10 seconds; shake legs and arms.


Mabu punches

Stand with legs about a meter aside. Squat barely, make palms into fists, and vicinity on hips. Slowly carry your elbows returned in the direction of each other so your chest puffs out. Exhale as you slowly punch your right fist forward. Hold. Inhale as you hit your left fist while bringing your right fist back to the hip—alternate fingers for eight units.

Tan Tui with punches

Begin inside the identical role as Mabu, palms on hips. Bring your right hand out to the aspect with a palm pushing forward. Twist to the right while moving the fist on the left hip up in a punch. At the same time, return the right hand to the hip in a fist. Now punch the proper arm out and kick the left leg concurrently. Repeat on the left.

• Heng Dao is a 35th-technology Shaolin disciple

As informed Em, ma Irving

As a Health and Fitness Professional, it is my job to understand common terms and definitions in this industry and keep abreast of evolving trends. Through my experience, I have found that several times, they deserve a little more clarification than granted. Aside from clarifying the definition of Health Related Fitness, this article intends to shed some light on some associated terms and show their respective distinctions.

Is it simply all in a name?

The fitness world seems to use the concept of Health-Related Fitness like a generic fitness principle – interchangeable with others like “Physical Fitness,” “Health and Fitness,” or simply “Fitness.” While these terms can be included under the broad terms Health and Physical Fitness, they individually refer to generic and specific aspects. Unfortunately, references to these and other fitness-related words are often vague, while consistency in their intended use is meager at best; there is a kind of “generally accepted” use for them, but individuals often rely on their interpretation, which can lead to confusion. With that said, does Health-Related Fitness infer fitness using good health? Not quite. That is why we need to understand more about these words before digesting their definitions.

How did the term Health-Related Physical Fitness come about?

That is a good question. One could probably ask what this concept is all about – can we not simply use the terms “Fitness” or “Physical Fitness” instead?” Why Health “Related”?

The main reason is that most health and fitness terms are used inconsistently and often refer to different concepts or notions. After the 1996 report from the US Surgeon General (Physical Activity and Health; a report of the Surgeon General), there was a move to try and address the alarming rise in obesity among the general American public. Studies and initiatives required standardization among clinicians, health practitioners, and fitness trainers to grapple with the task. Enter “Health-Related Physical Fitness,” a working term to address the general state of health among the public.